Friday, April 16, 2010

What is health mean to you?

What is health mean to you? Please think carefully before you answer! Because most of us will be conviniently and logically answer very important! How important health mean to you depends on your experience. If you ask a cancer patient who are going to die, of course health is everything. If you ask a teenager, they may not know how important is health.

The general answer to anybody is very important. Neverthelesss, from the way they eat, they worked, I do not see the important of health mean to them! It is common sense health is important but many of us have forgortton how to take care of our health.

Being a weight management consultant and also food technologist, I have measured many people and noticed many people are over weight and with high vicseral fat. I can not denied that Malaysia had good food and many people like to eat. To them, they philosophy is "LIVE to Eat" instead of "Eat to Live". Recently, we can read from magazine, newspaper about obesity is , about danger and disease related to obesity, young children are getting obese etc. overweight has already categorized as disease!

So, do you think health is important ? Or it is just a mere logical answer that even 4 year old child can give?